Ozark Catholic Academy engages students in a rigorous, integrated education that enables them to behold the fullness of reality through both faith and reason and to live the virtues that make one fully human and truly free.
Ozark Catholic Academy's philosophy is to foster an educational culture of discipline and excellence that cultivates the whole person, intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical, and inspires a dedication to what is true, good, and beautiful. Essential to this human and truly free. Essential to this culture are dedicated teachers who serve as mentos to their students as wll as assist parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. Through an intimate community of parents, students and teachers, the young men and women of Ozark Catholic are prepared not only to become excellent professionals and leaders of service in their communities, but also to be come all God intends them to be.
The academic program at Ozark Catholic Academy engages students in critical thinking and teaches them to become self- regulated learners in preparation for success in college and in life. Our faculty actively engage with students and course material to promote better understanding and develop the skills to form and articulate valid opinions. Through the Socratic teaching method, OCA students learn to hear and be open to different ideas. We are committed to an interdisciplinary view of education. This is evident in both our Humane Letters course, a combined study of History and Literature, and in our Math and Science curriculum, which encourages students to think creatively and across disciplines.
Ozark Catholic Academy has an A/B Day scheudule with students attending 5 periods a day. OCA prides itself on its faculty's ability to offier an upper-level elective curriculum that is inquiry-driven and conceptually challenging. Ozark Catholic Academy currently offers two AP classes, AP Precalculus and AP Calculus, and is looking to offer more AP classes in the future. In the meantime, students can "self-study" and take AP tests on thier own, and they can take an AP exam after they finish a class of a similar subject. OCA students can also take dual enrollment classes through Northwest Arkansas Community College and online classes through Virtual Arkansas.
Ozark Catholic Academy is fully accredited by the Arkansas Nonpublic School Accrediting Association. OCA is also a member of the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education. engages students in a rigorous, integrated education that enables them to behold the fullness of reality through both faith and reason and to live the virtues that make one fully human and truly free.
OCA has a number of athletic teams, including: archery, baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, golf, tennis, track, and volleyball. 93% of OCA students are involved in varsity athletics.
Students at OCA have several opportunities for leadership, including:
Head Boy / Head Girl - These two seniors serve together in the highest student leadership position at OCA as representatives and role models of the OCA student body. Their responsibilities include collaborating with the President and Principal about upcoming school events, communicating with prospective OCA students and families at information sessions, speaking at school assemblies, and much more.
House Presidents / Vice Presidents - House Presidents and Vice Presidents are chosen each year to lead their respective Houses (a quarter of the student body comprising all grades) by example in spirituality, academics, and athletics and to encourage their fellow students. They also lead their respective houses with philanthropy and fundraising initiatives.
Spiritual Leaders - Two students each year, a boy and a girl, are chosen to be the Spiritual Leaders of OCA. The Spiritual Leaders assist in organizing spiritual activities for the school weekly and lead students in the Catholic faith.
Grading Scale
Ozark Catholic Academy calculates a non-weighted cumulative GPA at the conclusion of each of two semesters.
A- 90-100
B- 80-89
C- 70-79
D- 60-69
F- <60
GPA Distribution for the 2023-2024 Student Body
13 Students earned a 4.0 GPA
35 Students earned a 3.75-3.99 GPA
26 Students earned a 3.5-3.74 GPA
20 Students earned a 3.0-3.49 GPA
10 Students earned a 2.5-2.99 GPA
9 Students earned a 2.0-2.49 GPA
5 Students earned a GPA below 2.0
Graduation Honor Distinctions
Summa cum laude - 4.0 GPA
Magna cum laude - 3.75-3.99 GPA
Cum laude - 3.5-3.74 GPA
Order of the Gownsmen
National Honors Society
Arkansas Governor's School
Arkansas Boys State
Arkansas Girls State
Docilitas Award
Veritas Award
Libertas Award
Sanctificate Award

Community and School
Ozark Catholic Academy is the only private Catholic high school in Northwest Arkansas. Located in Tontitown, OCA is part of the larger metropolitan area of northwest Arkansas that is home to over half a million people and is the world headquarters of several Fortune 500 companies, inlcuding Walmart Inc., Tyson Foods, and J.B. Hunt Transportation Services. Northwest Arkansas is also the site of several world-renowned cultural institutions such as the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and the Walton Arts Center. OCA attracts students and families from across the northwest Arkansas region, extending as far as into the Fort Smith community.
Ozark Catholic Academy is a four-year private high school serving 109 students in grades 9-12 with 38% of the student body identifying as a minority. Twenty-one percent of students receive financial aid, and sixty-five percent receive the reduced Continunig Catholi Education tuition rate.
Faculty / Staff
Full-Time Faculty 15
Part-Time Faculty 2
Staff 9
59% of Faculty hold a Master's
Graduation Requirements
Students are required to complete 28.5 credits minimum:
Humane Letter (English): 4 Credits
Mathematics: 4 Credits
Science: 3 Credits
History: 4 Credits
Foreign Language: 3 Credits
Religion: 4 Credits
Fine Arts: 1/2 Credit
Philosophy: 2 Credits
Wellness and Physical Education: 1 Credit
Oral Communications: 1/2 Credit
Senior Capstone: 1/2 Credit
Additional Courses: 2 Credits
House System
Students, faculty, and staff are placed in one of four houses: House of the Elk, House of the Mountain, House of the Oak, and House of the Water. Each House is derived from the shield on the school's coat of arms and features a particular virtue as its motto. The Houses cultivate camaraderie, leadership, and a healthy competition among the students.
ACT Scores Class of 2024
Mean Composite Score: 23.68
Mid-50% Range of Composite Score: 19-27
College Attendance Class of 2024
84% of the Class of 2024 is attending college
72% are attending a four-year college
12% are attending a two-year college
16% were selected for technical instruction, law enforcement, or work.
Class of 2024 Acceptance List
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Ave Maria University
Baylor University
Benedictine University
Clemson University
Creighton University
Dallas Baptist University
Embry-Riddle University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida State University
Fordham University
Franciscan University
Harding University
Hendrix College
Indiana University Bloomington
John Brown University
Kansas State University
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University New Orleans
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Michigan Technological University
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science & Technology
New York University
Northwest Arkansas Community College
Oklahoma State University
Oral Roberts University
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Pennsylvania State University
Pittsburg State
Pratt Munson
Purdue University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rockhurst University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Louis University
Santa Clara University
Seton Hall
Stetson University
Texas A&M
Texas Christian University
University of Alabama
University of Alabama in Huntsville
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of California, Berkeley
University of Central University
University of Dallas
University of Florida
University of Kansas
University of Memphis
University of Miami
University of Mississippi
University of Missouri
University of New Mexico
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Pittsburgh
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Tulsa
Xavier University
Colleges Graduates are Attending are Bolded
OCA students earned over $4,650,000 in college scholarship last year!